Views on draft environmental decision

Would you like to let the municipality know what you think of a draft environmental decision? Then you can send an opinion free of charge. In an opinion, you can indicate which points you agree or disagree with and give an explanation.

A view is a reaction in a legal procedure and deals with a draft environmental decision of the municipality. Examples of a draft environmental decision are: 

  • a draft environmental permit
  • a draft environmental plan
  • a draft environmental vision.

At this stage, the final environmental decision on a construction project or area has not yet been made. 

What you need to know
  • Seek advice in advance. For example, from a Legal Help Desk, a lawyer or your legal expenses insurance.
  • You can only send an opinion if a written message from the municipality about a draft environmental decision states that you can send an opinion. This message will also state whether and how you can send an opinion.
  • Written notices from the municipality are letters, notices on our website and official announcements.
  • All official municipal notices can be found on the website and in the OmgevingsAlert app.
  • Information on draft environmental decisions can also be found on our website under Omgevingsplan Zoetermeer.
  • We must receive your views by the deadline specified in the written notice.
  • In the view, put your name, address, e-mail and phone number.
  • Are you sending the opinion on paper? If so, please also put your signature on the opinion.
  • Do we receive your view too late? Then the view will not be processed.
  • Sometimes we ask you to stop by to discuss your views.
  • We take your views into account when determining the final environmental decision on a construction project or area development.
  • Would you like to receive automatic notifications about draft environmental decisions and activities in your neighborhood? Then you can sign up for the e-mail service via Messages about your neighborhood - Search | You can also receive automatic notifications through the OmgevingsAlert app.
Arrange online

You can only send an opinion if a written message from the municipality about a draft environmental decision states that you can send an opinion. This message will also tell you how to send in your opinion. Written notices from the municipality are letters, notices on our website and official announcements.

You can submit a view online or by mail about a:

  • Draft environmental decision, such as a
    • Draft environmental permit.
    • Draft environmental plan.
    • Draft environmental vision.

Submit views on draft environmental decision

We cannot process views that you send by e-mail. Therefore, always use the online form.

Response to construction projects and/or area developments

Would you like to comment on a construction project and/or area developments? Then check out the product: Response to Construction Projects and/or Area Developments for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to send a view. But I need time to gather all the information. That's why I can't manage to send an opinion in time. What do I need to do?

  • You send a preliminary view.
  • In it, you give your reaction to a draft environmental decision.
  • You indicate that you need more time to gather all the information.
  • You will have an additional 2 weeks to gather information.
  • Send your supplement to your preliminary view by the end of 2 weeks.

What is the difference between a view to a draft environmental decision and a response to a construction project or area development.

  • A view is a response in a legal proceeding.
  • A view is about a draft environmental decision of the municipality. Examples of a draft environmental decision are:
    • a draft environmental permit
    • a draft environmental plan
    • a draft environmental vision.
  • You can have a say in a construction project or area development through a response. This is called participation. Look for more information in the product: Response to construction projects and/or area developments.

I want to view information about a draft environmental decision. Where can I find this information?

  • The municipality's written notices of a draft environmental decision always tell you where you can view information.
  • Information about draft environmental decisions can usually also be found on our website.
  • Do you have questions about a draft environmental decision? If so, please contact the Environment Desk.