Responding to construction projects and area developments

Would you like to voice your opinion about a construction project? Or about the development of a particular area of the city? Then you can send a comment online. We call this participation

In this phase, we look at whether a construction project of the municipality or others can go ahead. Or we investigate what changes are needed in an area. The plans are not finally decided at this point.

How does it work?


  • You can respond if a written notice from the municipality says so. This notice will also tell you how and until when you can respond.
  • We will take your comments into account when following up on plans or preparing the decision on a construction project or development of an area.

Written message

  • Written messages from the municipality include letters, posts on our website, social media channels, newsletters and in the City News in the door-to-door magazine.
  • Written notices and other information about construction projects and area developments can be found on our website at Plans and Projects
Arrange online

You can respond if a written notice from the municipality states that you can send a response. This notice will also tell you how to send a response. We often list an e-mail address but you can also use the online form below.

You can respond to a: 

  • Construction project or area development.
  • Spatial Plan.

Submit comments on construction projects and/or area developments 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a response to a construction project or area development and a view to a draft environmental decision?

  • Through a response, you can have a say in a construction project or development of an area. This is called participation.
  • An opinion is a reaction in a legal procedure. A view is about a draft decision of the municipality. Examples of draft environmental decisions are:
    • a draft environmental permit
    • a draft environmental plan
    • a draft environmental vision

Do you want to give an opinion on a draft environmental decision? Then look for more information at the product: Views on draft environmental decree.

I want to view information about a construction project or area development. Where can I find this information?

  • The municipality's written notices about a construction project and/or area development always state where you can view information.
  • Information about construction projects and/or area development can also be found on our website at Plans and Projects.
  • Do you have questions about construction projects and/or area development? If so, please contact the Environmental Desk.