Objections Committee
If you disagree with a decision made by the municipality, you can object to it. For example, a refused environmental permit. The municipality will rule on your objection.
Procedure objection
The municipality is advised by the independent Objections Committee. This committee advises on almost all subjects. The committee investigates the objection. Those involved are given the opportunity to explain their point of view in a hearing. During the hearing, the committee gathers information to provide sound advice to the municipality. These hearings are open to the public, but if those involved prefer to have the hearing behind closed doors, the committee can decide to do so.
Opinion of committee
Then the commission issues a recommendation to the municipality. The advice states how the municipality can decide on the objection. The committee's advice is not binding, so the municipality is not obliged to abide by it. If you disagree with the decision on the objection, you can appeal to the court.
The committee does not advise on appeals against WOZ (Real Estate Valuation) decisions. The committee also does not advise on indications for homes for the elderly, social issues and matters falling under the Social Support Act.
Submit objection
You must submit the objection in writing or online to the governing body that made the decision. This may be the mayor, board of mayor and aldermen, the city council or the school attendance officer.
Documents available for inspection
When an objection is heard in a hearing, the documents are available for inspection two weeks before the date of the hearing. If you wish to inspect the documents, you can make an appointment with the secretariat of the Objections Committee.
Secretariat Objections Committee
P.O. Box 15
2700 AA Zoetermeer
Phone number: 14 079
Members of the Objections Committee
The committee is completely independent and consists of legal experts who are not affiliated with the municipality. To provide clarity to stakeholders and avoid any impression of a conflict of interest, the names of the committee members and their daily work are publicly known.
Overview of members of the Objections Committee and their daily activities