Objections and complaints

The Municipality of Zoetermeer tries to provide you with the best possible service. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied with the service or the way in which you have been treated. You can file a complaint or lodge an objection.


A complaint is about conduct by an official or director of the municipality of Zoetermeer. A complaint may concern, among other things, late handling, insufficient or incorrect information and/or treatment by an official or director.


If you are not satisfied with the answer to your (request) you can object.

Youth Aid Provider

Are you not satisfied with the services of your youth care provider? If so, you should first contact your care provider. If you cannot work it out with the care provider, you can contact the municipality. Jeugdstem can also support you. You can find the contact details below.

Youth Voice

When youth, parents and caregivers receive help and support in growing up and parenting, there is dependency. In a dependency situation, it is more difficult to talk about things that are not going well in the youth assistance. In those situations, youth and/or their parents should be able to fall back on an independent confidant to assist them. In other words: every client who has questions, complaints about and/or problems with his/her (legal) position and about the (supply of) youth aid, can get support from an independent confidant established by law.

If you seek support from a confidant, they can provide you with information and advice and support you in contacting the body against which you have a complaint. The confidant first suggests that you resolve any bottlenecks with the professionals themselves by talking about them. If you wish, the confidant can be present at such a conversation. If you do not come out of a conversation, the confidant can help you draft a letter of complaint. The confidant can also guide you in the route to the complaints and/or objections committee. Please note: the confidant never acts on his or her own initiative on your behalf as a client.

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