Hotline for unwanted rentals

Are you looking for or renting a home? And do you feel that a rental agent discriminates when assigning a home? Or does your landlord poorly inform you of your rights and obligations? Or is the landlord asking for too high a deposit? Then you can report this to the municipality. As of January 1, 2025, you can also report if you have to pay too high a rent.

What do you need to know?

The Good Landlord Act took effect July 1, 2023, and is intended to prevent undesirable behavior by landlords and rental intermediaries. The law contains rules that landlords and rental intermediaries must abide by. For example, there are rules about the maximum amount of a security deposit, that one is not allowed to discriminate or intimidate, not to charge incorrect service charges, and to properly inform tenants about their rights and obligations.  

From January 1, 2025 there are also rules for the maximum rent and the maximum rent increase. If a landlord does not comply with these rules, you can report this to the Undesirable Landlord Reporting Point of the municipality.  

Who can file a report?

You can report inappropriate behavior by a landlord or rental agent if:

  • You are looking for a private rental property (i.e. not from a housing association).
  • You rent a property from a private landlord or rental agency (rental agency is an agency that puts tenants in touch with private landlords).
  • You are a foreign worker with a work-hire contract. You then work and live through an employment agency. 

Do you rent from a housing association?

Do you rent from a housing corporation? Then report your complaint to the housing corporation that rents the house. They will handle your complaint themselves. Are you unable to resolve it together? Then you can contact one of the following organizations:

What can you report?


It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, political opinion, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or chronic illness. For example, a landlord or rental agent must use a clear and impartial selection process when assigning a home. If someone does not get the housing, that person must be given an explanation as to why.

You can make your report directly to the iDb Foundation (Inclusion & Anti-Discrimination Foundation). They will treat your report confidentially and remain independent in doing so. 


Report discrimination


A rental intermediary or landlord must not use forms of physical or sexual threat or intimidation. For example, they must treat complaints from the (prospective) tenant with respect. A landlord may not pressure a tenant. For example, threatening not to renew a temporary lease or simply terminating a lease without good reason. Deliberately breaking things in or on the property is also not allowed.



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

Excessive deposit (which is higher than 2 times the bare rent)

A security deposit is an extra amount you pay in advance. You will get this back if you do not damage the property and are not in rent arrears. The bare rent is the rent without additional costs such as gas and electricity. The landlord must put in writing how the security deposit will be refunded if the lease ends.



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

No written rental agreement

The rental agreement must be in writing. It should include mandatory information such as the tenant's rights and obligations, information about the deposit and a description of the service charges to be paid.

Do you rent a property from your employer? Then the rental agreement must always be separate from your employment contract. This rental agreement may be in Dutch, but the landlord must provide the additional information in a language you understand. 



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

Mediation costs

A real estate agent working for a homeowner may not charge the tenant any money. This applies even if these charges are renamed, such as:

  • mediation costs
  • contract costs
  • marketing costs
  • rental costs
  • administration costs
  • commission costs
  • consulting costs
  • brokerage fees
  • brokerage fee
  • key money
  • entry fee, 
  • one-time costs tenant



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

You will not receive written information

You will not receive written information about the following:

  • Your rights and obligations as a property tenant.
    • Your rights and obligations as a tenant are usually stated in the rental contract or general terms and conditions. These state, for example, how you must use the property, how the rent may be increased each year, and what happens if you pay the rent late.
  • The deposit
    • The lease should state how much the security deposit is, what costs will be deducted from it when the lease ends, and when you will get the deposit back.
  • Information on how to contact the landlord.
    • Where you can go with complaints or questions about home maintenance or rent payments.
  • Contact information for the municipality (hotline for unwanted rentals).
  • Service charges.
    • The exact definition of these costs
  • The scoring system for determining rent.
    • As of Jan. 1, 2025, landlords must show the number of points the property has in a new lease and the maximum rent associated with it.  



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

Improper service charges

The law defines what costs may be charged as service charges. These are, for example, costs for electricity, gas, water or cleaning services. For example, costs for municipal taxes or additional services (such as sports facilities or meals) may not be charged as service charges. For these, the landlord and tenant must enter into a separate contract.

More information can be found on the Rent Commission's website | overview service costs.



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

Excessive rent

The point number of your property determines the maximum rent. This always applies to social rental housing (up to 144 points). For middle rental housing (144 to 186 points), this only applies to rental agreements entered into after July 1, 2024. For houses in the free sector (187 points or more), there is no maximum rent and the landlord may determine the rent himself.

More information can be found on the website Volkshuisvesting Nederland | Is my rent too expensive?

How do I know if my rent is too high?

You can use the Rent Commission's official calculation tool to calculate the point number of your property yourself: the Rent Check. Based on this score, the maximum rent the landlord may ask for the property is also determined. Keep in mind that filling out the Rent Check does take some time and that you will need the dimensions of the rooms in your property. 

What should I do if my rent is too high?

Do you disagree with the amount of the rent or the annual rent increase? Or are you having problems with the maintenance or service costs? Then we advise you to turn to the Rent Commission. You can find more information on the Huurcommissie website .  

You can also object to an excessive rent increase with your landlord. To do so, visit the website of the Central Government | Can I object to my rent increase?.

Are you renting from a private landlord and the landlord does not adjust the price, even after advice from the rent assessment committee? Then you can report this to the municipality through the hotline for undesirable renting.



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

Rent increase too high

There is a legal maximum for the annual rent increase. This applies to social rental housing and middle rental housing. There is also a legal percentage for rent increases for rental housing in the free sector until May 1, 2029. 

More information can be found on the website Rijksoverheid | What is the maximum rent increase in 2025?



Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

As a tenant, what can I already do myself?

  • Always discuss your complaint with your landlord first.
  • Keep track of problems with rent and record what you think is not going well. Consider photos with date, keeping a log of unwanted behavior, date and time, and save messages (letters, emails, and phone calls) on your computer or phone.
  • Ask for a statement of service charges. The landlord must settle service charges by July 1 each year based on the previous year's actual usage. Ask for an overview of these service costs every year, either in writing or digitally. This way you know where you stand.
  • Ask for resolution in writing. Ask your landlord by letter or e-mail to resolve the problems. Does the landlord not respond? Then you have black and white evidence that you tried to resolve it.


Is a landlord not following the rules? If so, you can report it in the following ways:


Notification of unwanted rentals


Call phone number 14 079

Drop by

Come to the front desk at City Hall. You can fill out a form there and turn it in. We will then contact you within 5 business days.

Are you reporting anonymously? Then you will not receive information about the assessment and handling of your report.

Report discrimination

You can make your report directly to the iDb Foundation (Inclusion & Anti-Discrimination Foundation). They will treat your report confidentially and remain independent in doing so.

Report discrimination

What happens once you have filed a report?

We will review and assess your report and then contact you about next steps. This is not possible if you report anonymously. In consultation with you, we may talk to the landlord, for example, about how the landlord can follow the rules of the Good Landlord Act. We can also warn or fine the landlord.

How long will it take?

We will process your report within 5 business days.

How does the municipality handle my data?

We process personal data from reporters and landlords. Read what this means for you and your data in our Privacy Statement.