Study allowance

The study allowance is a minimum amount that municipalities must pay out to students with medical disabilities. The study supplement is an income and is free to spend.

What you need to know

You are eligible for this supplement if you meet the following conditions:

  • You live in Zoetermeer.
  • Due to illness or disability, you are no longer able to earn income in addition to studying. 
  • You are entitled to study financing or a contribution under the Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijsbijdrage en schoolkosten (WTOS).
  • You are not entitled to benefits under the Wajong.


  • The award is for an unlimited duration.
  • The amount is paid on a monthly basis.


You can find this information on the"Assistance Standards" page.

Release of internship allowance and assets

Students who receive a study allowance and who receive income from an internship as part of their studies retain partial entitlement to the study allowance. If the internship allowance exceeds €180, then the portion that exceeds €180 will be deducted from the study allowance. 


A student receives a study allowance of € 250, which is € 70 higher than € 180. If the student is 21 or older and receives the standard allowance, the study allowance becomes €300 minus €70, so €230.

The student's or parents' assets do not affect the new study allowance. 

Calculate your entitlement

On the website BerekenUwRecht you can find out which schemes in Zoetermeer you may be able to take advantage of based on your income.

How long will it take?

  • You will be notified within 8 weeks whether you will receive the study allowance. The municipality may extend this period because the form is not fully completed, documents are missing or the investigation needs more time.
  • The message you receive will also tell you how much allowance you will receive and whether it will be paid to you in 1 lump sum, or monthly.


Do you disagree with the municipality's decision? Then you can object within 6 weeks.