Grant - culture

For activities, projects, organizations and institutions that are good for the city and/or its residents, you can apply for grants that contribute to cultural assets. The conditions for applying for or receiving a grant are not always the same for each scheme.

What can you apply for a grant for and what can't you apply for?

Do apply for grants for:

No grant applications for:

  • Activities where you can provide enough money yourself (for example, by asking participants to contribute).
  • Activities outside of Zoetermeer or not intended for Zoetermeer residents.
  • Activities contrary to law, public interest or public order and safety.
  • Activities with a political, religious or philosophical message.
  • Activities that do not meet eligibility rules.
  • Activities where there is no reasonable relationship between the amount of grant requested and the planned activities.

Grant opportunities

For cultural activities, the municipality has 3 grant options, namely:

  1. Basic cultural institutions grant scheme.
  2. Annual cultural programs grant scheme.
  3. Cultural Projects Grant Scheme.

1. Basic cultural institutions grant scheme

This grant scheme is intended for the basic cultural institutions of Zoetermeer. Currently, these are:

  • Stadstheater Zoetermeer
  • Library
  • CKC & partners
  • Franx Foundation
  • Boerderij cultural venue

Only these institutions can apply for a grant according to the Basic Cultural Institutions Grant Scheme.

2. Annual cultural programs grant scheme.

Does your institution organize cultural activities throughout the year (at least 3 activities)? Then you can apply for funding according to the Cultural Annual Programs Grant Scheme.

3. Cultural projects grant scheme

Does your institution organize 1 or 2 cultural projects or activities per year? Then you can apply for funding up to a maximum of €5,000 per project. You can apply for this grant throughout the year.

Culture Fund

Effective January 1, 2022, the Zoetermeer Cultural Fund will no longer handle grants. The Culture Fund's previous grant scheme will then be replaced by the Cultural Projects Grant Scheme.

Basic cultural institutions grant scheme

Apply for grant for basic cultural institutions

Cultural institutions eligible for the Basic Cultural Institutions grant scheme are nominated by the Council. The relevant institutions are informed of the application opportunities.

As a designated basic cultural institution, you can use the button below to account for your grant on an interim basis. 

Apply for grant for basic cultural institutions

Enclose with your application:

Questionnaire accompanying grant application for basic cultural institutions grant program (pdf)

Grant application and (interim) justification tool (Excel)

Annual cultural programs grant scheme

Apply for annual cultural annual programs grant

You can apply for grants from June through August this year for any activities you want to organize next year. The college will decide by November 30 of this year. You will receive a letter in December telling you whether or not you will receive the grant.

The municipality will only process your application if it is sent on time and complete with all attachments.

Apply for grant for cultural annual programs

Enclose with your application:

Questionnaire accompanying grant application for Annual Cultural Programs Grant Program (pdf)

Grant application and (interim) justification tool (Excel)

Cultural projects grant scheme

Applying for grants for cultural projects

You can apply for grants throughout the year. We review applications 4 times a year. The latest dates for applying for grants are: January 1, March 1, June 1 and September 1. From each date, your application will take 8 weeks to process. The activity for which you request a grant must start and/or take place within 6 months after we give the grant.

Apply for cultural projects grant

Enclose with your application:

Questionnaire accompanying grant application for cultural projects grant program (pdf)

Grant application and (interim) justification tool (Excel)

Cost of the building

You must put the cost of the building where the activity will be held separately in the application. The municipality wants to make the best use of its buildings. Therefore, if you request a subsidy, you should preferably use a space in a building owned by the municipality. You must make your own arrangements for renting a building. You can find more information in the product Use of spaces or sports fields.

Contact Grant Office

The Grants Office can be reached Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon by calling the general telephone number 14 079. You can also send an e-mail to