Grant - Cultural Coaches
Cultural organizations can receive funding for a Cultural Coach.
What is a Culture Coach?
A Culture Coach works for the cultural organization itself as well as for the city. The Culture Coach is committed to getting more residents to participate in cultural activities and works on cultural education. To this end, the Culture Coach works with various organizations throughout the city.
The Culture Coach:
- Develops cultural offerings appropriate to different neighborhoods.
- Improves cooperation between amateur organization(s) and professional organizations, inside and outside the cultural sector.
- Enables talent development for young people.
Would you also like to work with a Culture Coach? Then you can apply for grant Culture Coach.
Cultural organizations and creators can apply for grants if they meet a number of conditions:
- The applicant is registered with the Chamber of Commerce.
- The applicant is a cultural organization in Zoetermeer and offers activities to Zoetermeer residents.
- The applicant follows the Fair Practice Code.
An organization can apply for a grant only for the salary costs of the Culture Coach, up to a maximum amount of €70,000 per FTE deployed.
Each year from June through August, you can apply for a grant to employ a Cultural Coach at your organization. You will hear within 13 weeks whether or not you will receive the grant.
The municipality can only process your application if it is sent on time and complete with all attachments.
Applying for Culture Coaches grant
Enclose with your application:
- A completed Questionnaire Subsidy Scheme Culture Coaches Zoetermeer (pdf).
- A budget (calculation of total labor costs).
- An excerpt from the Chamber of Commerce.
- The latest financial statements (summary of your income and expenses between January and December of the past year).
Have these documents ready digitally before completing the application.
Contact grant agency
The Grants Office can be reached Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon by calling the general telephone number 14 079. You can also send an e-mail to