HomeFor residentsDistrictsOosterheemNews OosterheemNews OosterheemWanted: creative acts and hospitable hosts!14-11-2024World Poverty Day the Podcast11-11-2024Help create safe business parks08-11-2024Decision on implementation of appointment system postponed06-11-2024Positive Health Training05-11-2024Oosterheem neighborhood office hours05-11-2024Girl Math: How to make expensive purchases free04-11-2024We seek relatives of resistance fighters from Zoetermeer04-11-2024Meeting nuisance street racing Prisma business park Bleiswijk01-11-2024Start walk-in clinic Humanitas Zoetermeer in Oosterheem29-10-2024Podcast OMG Money Talks25-10-2024Thinking about changing tree policy?17-10-2024Free Tinkering workshops for children 6 -12 years old14-10-2024Moving out on your own? Listen to the podcast with tips!07-10-2024Which finfluencers are trustworthy?25-09-2024Don't leave money lying around19-09-2024Help with your money matters12-09-2024Free e-learning: Recognize undermining in your neighborhood!03-09-2024Making ends meet with children30-08-2024Social Gym launched in Zoetermeer27-08-2024