Subsidy - investments by amateur associations

How does it work?

Amateur associations and foundations can apply for an allowance to refurbish their building or buy items they will use for a longer period of time. This is called an investment subsidy. An association or foundation can also use a municipal guarantee. This can help them get a loan from a lender such as a bank.

An amateur association or foundation receives a maximum of €100,000 in funding within 5 years. The association or foundation may only spend this money on:

  • Costs of new construction, remodeling or expansion of the association's or foundation's building.
  • Purchase items that the association or foundation can use for a longer period of time (at least 5 years), for example, a musical instrument or sports equipment.
  • Cost to furnish the building.
  • Costs to make the building more sustainable.
  • Costs to make the building more accessible.

The money should not be used to pay for maintenance.

The municipality will reimburse up to 25% of the total cost. Are you spending money to make the building more sustainable or accessible? Of these costs, the municipality reimburses a maximum of 33%. The remaining amount must be paid by the organization itself. This can also be done with other subsidies.  

What you need to know


To apply for the grant and/or municipal guarantee, you must meet the conditions of the Ordinance on Investment Subsidy and Municipal Guarantee for Amateur Associations 2022

The main conditions are: 

  1. The amateur association or foundation is active in the municipality of Zoetermeer.
  2. The investment fits with the municipality's policies.
  3. The cost of the investment is proportional to the result.
  4. The association or foundation is financially sound.
  5. The association or foundation expects to have sufficient funds to carry out the overall project.
  6. If the municipality subsidizes new construction of a building, the building must meet the sustainability and accessibility requirements now in place. 
    • For sustainability, we assume at least Nearly Energy Neutral Buildings(BENG). 
    • For accessibility we test on 'Normenkader higher standard for accessibility' Zoetermeer. Here the building must meet the standards framework on the components: 
      1. Stairs and elevator.
      2. MIVA toilet (as per Zoetermeer standard)
      3. Entrance.
      4. Signage. 

Grant application

  • You may not start working on or buying the investment until you have received the grant. 
  • Apply for the grant at least 13 weeks in advance. 
  • There is limited grant funding available. We will process grant applications in the order we receive them. We will only consider complete grant applications. The day the application is complete counts as the application date.
  • Are you a sports association and applying for municipal guarantee? Then before or at the same time you must apply for a guarantee from the Sports Guarantee Fund Foundation (SWS). If this fund rejects the application because they assess that you cannot repay the loan, the municipality will not provide a guarantee.

Apply for grant Investment by amateur associations

Grant (interim) accounting

Start the form below. After registering with Digid or e-Recognition, you can indicate that you want to account for subsidy.

Grant (interim) accounting

How long will it take?

After we receive your application, you will be notified within 13 weeks. 

Contact Grant Office

The Grants Office can be reached Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon by calling the general telephone number 14 079. You can also send an e-mail to