Event organizing

Are you organizing an event? Then you need a permit. This applies, for example, to a fair, flea market, carnival, parade or festival. For small events, such as a street party or a neighborhood barbecue, a notification is often enough.

Permit or notification?

It's an event like:

  • A maximum of 250 people will attend.
  • It lasts a maximum of 1 day (Mon to Thu from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. / Fri and Sat from 10 a.m. to midnight and Sun from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m.).
  • No objects are placed larger than 25m².
  • It is not commercial (i.e., it is a free activity). This means:
    • That no goods, food or drink may be sold. Not even via a hired food truck or stall. This also means that you may not rent a food truck or stall for a fixed amount so that you do not have to pay on the spot. Do you still want to place a food truck or stall? If so, you will need a Standplaatsvergunning (place permit)
    • There should be no entry fee or registration fee.

For an event, you must give 3 weeks' notice.

For all other types of events, you must apply for a permit.

Events that require a permit are divided into three groups according to VRH's risk scan (see under 'Useful links'): A, B and C. The risk scan allows you to determine which category your event falls under.

TypeType of event (example)When to apply
Notificationsee information above3 weeks in advance
A-eventsmall (activity at mall)8 weeks in advance
B-eventmedium (fair, fairground)12 weeks in advance
C-eventlarge (liberation festival, Halloween)26 weeks in advance

Event grant

You can apply for subsidies for events that are good for the city and/or its residents. You can do this as a resident and as a company for events organized in Zoetermeer. The event must contribute to achieving the goals chosen by the municipality. 

For more information, see: Grant Event.

To apply/report

In the application, you will see which attachments you need to include.

Note! You may also need to apply for other permits or waivers. For example, an exemption for parking or an exemption for serving alcohol.

Event, report

Event, permit application


The cost of processing an application for a permit:

A-event (small)€ 150,99
B event (medium)€ 332,20
C-event (large)€ 1.177,78
RVV Waiver€ 26,50
Camping exemption€ 84,55
Night stay exemption€ 84,55
Noise Waiver€ 84,55
Exemption Sunday law€ 84,98
Alcohol Act waiver article 35€ 181,20

Price changes and typographical errors reserved.

How long will it take?

Event notification

  • You will receive a response from us within one week.
  • Can the event take place? Then you will receive an overview of rules the event must comply with.

Event permit

The processing time depends on the size of the event. We will inform you within a few days of submitting your application.


Do you disagree with the municipality's decision? Then you can object within 6 weeks.

Disposable plastic banned at events

The European Parliament has completely banned the use of disposable plastic from 2021. In Zoetermeer, the ban on the use of disposable plastic is included in the event policy. This means that disposable plastic is prohibited in Zoetermeer.

Examples of disposable plastics are:

  • plastic bottles (without deposit)
  • cups
  • straws
  • stirrers
  • plates / cutlery
  • confetti

Tips for accessible events

With a number of measures, you can ensure that your event is easily accessible to people with disabilities. For an overview of all tips and a checklist, visit Accessible Events.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a permit to hand out leaflets and/or flyers?

You may advertise your event by handing out leaflets and/or flyers without a permit. However, you are responsible for cleaning up leaflets and/or flyers that end up on the street.

Can I put up flags, streamers and banners?

Yes you can (without a permit). Of course, you must have permission from the owner of the property or house you want to hang the decoration on.

Caution! Decorations must always hang at least 4.20 meters high so that emergency services can pass by.

May I celebrate a private party (birthday, wedding, exam) in a field or park?

Yes you may, but a few rules apply:

  • You report this through the website (see under "Applications").
  • You may set up a party tent or bouncy castle (max. 25 m²) in public green spaces, provided it is properly secured.
  • You may not cordon off the area where barbecuing, picnicking or playing is taking place.
  • Barbecuing in the public green space is allowed only if it does not cause danger and/or nuisance to the surroundings and/or nature.
  • Drinking alcohol in public areas is not allowed everywhere (for example, drinking alcohol is not allowed in playgrounds and schoolyards).

Can I barbecue in public areas?

Yes, you may. However, some rules apply:

  • You report this through the website (see under "Applications").
  • You may barbecue anywhere in public areas unless otherwise specified.
  • There must be no danger, nuisance or disturbance to the environment and/or nature.
  • The area to be barbecued may not be cordoned off.
  • The place must be left neat and clean after the event.
  • Ensure the safety of yourself and those around you. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Caution! Drinking alcohol in public areas is not permitted everywhere.