Hospitality establishment operating license
To start a catering establishment in Zoetermeer, you need an Exploitation Permit for a catering establishment. You must also apply for the permit if you take over or expand a catering establishment.
Do you want to serve alcohol? Then you need an Alcohol License as well.
You may need to make additional requests, such as to install a patio. Complete the Hospitality Guide to see what all you need.
What you need to know
The Hotel and Catering Establishment Operating Permit contains rules related to nuisance, safety and decency. You apply for this permit if:
- You want to start or take over a hospitality business.
- The legal form of your hospitality business is changing.
- You already have a catering business and have received an administrative warning or sanction from the municipality.
The permit is personal
The Operating License for a catering establishment is strictly personal, is not transferable and therefore cannot be passed on to anyone else.
In the case of a takeover, a new entrepreneur of a catering establishment may possibly be allowed to temporarily use the license of the previous entrepreneur. The old entrepreneur must report the termination in writing to the mayor within 2 weeks, and the new entrepreneur must submit a complete application for the unchanged continuation of the business within four weeks of this written notification. The conditions can be found in the General Local Bye-Law (APV).
No Operating License Required
The organizations listed below do not require an Operating License:
- healthcare institutions
- museums
- corporate canteens
- funeral homes
- companies whose purpose is not to make a profit (para commercial legal entities)
Do you want to serve alcohol in the organizations listed above? Then you also need an Alcohol License.
Operating license, applications
Enclose with the application
Documents for this application can only be submitted in the following file formats: Word, Excel or Pdf. This means, that a photo of a document is not sufficient.
- A floor plan provided with the dimensions of:
- the property (including terrace)
- the location and layout
- the purpose of the spaces to be distinguished
- the boundaries of the premises of the catering establishment
- A copy of a valid proof of identity of the operator and all managerial employees.
- Are you making the application on behalf of someone else? If so, a proof of authorization and a copy of a valid ID of this person/these persons are also required.
- A copy of the employment contract of all salaried executives.
- A completed Bibob form with attachments (more information: Bibob).
- If necessary, a Certificate of Good Conduct(VOG) may be requested from supervisors.
- A business plan.
Alcohol permit
You can apply for it through the Alcohol License product.
Change supervisor or classification
Do you have an Operating License and want to notify a change of manager(s) or classification?
Alcohol permit
You can apply for it through the Alcohol License product.
Description | Costs |
Operating permit as referred to in art. 2:15 APV | € 487,55 |
Changing an operating license | € 213,29 |
Price changes and typographical errors reserved.
How long will it take?
Have you submitted the application with all the correct documents? You will be notified within 8 weeks. If more research is needed, this period can be extended by 8 weeks. You will be informed about this.
Do you disagree with the decision? Then you can object within 6 weeks from the date of the decision.